the one with the resolutions – update

“Okay, I can’t take it anymore! So you win, okay? Pheebs? Flying a jet? Better make it a spaceship so that you can get back to your home planet! And Ross, phone call for you today, Tom Jones, he wants his pants back! And Hornswoggle? What are you dating, a character from Fraggile Rock?!” *Sits and sighs in relief*

– Chandler Bing

Well, since I made a bunch of resolutions on New Years Eve like a million other people in this world, I figured the Eve of February is as good a time as any to do an update on how I’ve been doing with them. 

Make a budget… and stick to it
this one has been a little rough. Mostly because I am struggling in the money department currently. I did make a budget, and I am sticking to it, but that’s mostly because I don’t have extra spending money. We’ll see how this one goes when I actually have to restrain myself from excessive and unnecessary spending. 

Do or learn one new thing every month
well it’s only been a month, but I did learn a new photoshop trick. So i’ll chalk this one up in the win column. 

Be more health minded in every aspect of life
At risk of sounding full of myself, I am KILLING this one. I workout at least 5 days a week, most of the time 6. (or sometimes 7. I know, I know, everybody out there is screaming at me about how my body needs rest.) I set a meal plan for each week, and have been following it pretty closely, with the exception of a few cheat meals. I do need to get a better understanding of nutrition as a whole, but so far, so good on this resolution. 

Have “me time” for at least 2 hours a week
I would say this one is a big fat fail. Sure, I spend some time alone every week but I have yet to put away all technology for two hours on say a Sunday and just color or craft, or anything. Definitely something to work on, because I actually really want to achieve this resolution

Start matching my bra and underwear more
this one was easy after making another purchase at Victoria’s Secret (oops about that budget thing..?) But still, love this resolution. Ladies, you should all do it. 

Get outside more
ehh this one is kind of a fail. It’s cold, okay? 

Go to sleep without electronics at least one night a week
Also a fail. Alright, I have a hard time letting go of my electronics, I admit. Room for improvement.

take action in my career and stop wasting time
this one is a little harder… especially since it’s only been a month. It’s been a crazy, busy month with work. So now that the super busy part is behind me, I look forward to taking a deeper look at my career goals. 

blog more
Made a schedule, have pending posts.. baby steps, people. baby steps. 

They say that if you haven’t given up on your resolutions in three weeks time that you may actually stick with and achieve them. I actually feel like I’m in a pretty good spot, so we’ll see how February goes!